

Do Asian visitors need the police more?!


Sylvia K said...

Great shots! And I love the humor! Thanks for the smiles!

Have a lovely week!


Richard Lawry said...

Don't want no seagull eating my lunch!

An Arkies Musings

Marja said...

haha the seagulls do eat your lunch Here there are heaps of them at the art centre in the city centre waiting for a piece of food

Marites said...

cute signs:) and we don't have those here. my world entry is up too.

Unknown said...

The first one has me in giggles, thanks for the warning - and thanks for the laugh :)

Rajesh said...

Very nice shots.

Anonymous said...

Great shots!!
Luiz Ramos

Arija said...

Who can tell the sense in that sign?

Anonymous said...

That last sign is hilarious!

storyteller said...

Nifty signs in your world! I know first hand about seagulls but have not seen such a sign before. How kewl that you have sea lions for miles along your coastline. I've shared a bit of My World today at Sacred Ruminations.
Hugs and blessings,

Janie said...

Great signs. I love that sea lion warning. Around here the signs are for elk and deer crossings, certainly not sea lions!

EG CameraGirl said...

Loved that sign about the seagulls. I've seen gulls steal lunches!

BLS said...

I like the seagulls they snatch the food of the unsuspecting tourists!

Anonymous said...

funny. : )

Sahildeki Ev said...

I love peeking thru your lenses to a lovely country that is so far away...