
My Corner of the World

There is a HUGE flock of English goldfinches that love the dairy paddocks that 
surround my house. I can see them land in the tall grass but they don't often 
get close enough to the house for photos.
This morning, they swarmed over the yellow daisies (that come 
up like weeds) in my garden and I got a few quick shots through the window
before they were gone again. 


Jutta.K. said...

Dear Betty, your photo is so adorable.
I'm a bird lover and these birds sing so beautifully !
Warm greetings from Germany

italiafinlandia said...

They are cute and sing beautifully!

Tom said...

...a lovely goldfinch, different than I see here. Thanks for hosting.

rupam sarma said...

Lovely pic :)

Taken For Granted said...

These lovely birds look nothing like our goldfinches which are bright yellow. Good bird shot. I'm sure they are enjoying the flower seed.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

That was a fun window shot! Your goldfinch are more colorful than ours...

Natalie said...

Lovely photo of the birds and flowers. I saw many birds during my morning walk but they're too quick for me to get a good photo of them yet. Thank you for hosting. Have a beautiful week!

csuhpat1 said...

So very lovely. Beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

Nancy Chan said...

You manage to capture a great photo of the beautiful birds. Yellow daisies add a pretty colour to the picture.

Mary K. said...

I have a horrible time getting shots of birds. They are too quick for me. Good for you on being able to get such a great shot.

EricaSta said...

Lovely birds! I neuer Seen before.
Thank you hosting. Have a good week.

Lydia C. Lee said...


Rose said...

If I can remember, I want to look them up and see what they sound like!

Uppal said...

You've captured the close-ups of flowers so well and the butterflies look cute!

Heidi R. said...

Yes, that's a great snapshot!

Sharon said...

The birds against that blue background look so adorable! Great photo!

NatureFootstep said...

one of my favorite birds. We have them and call them Steglits :) A name I always forget but I know where in the book to find hem :)