
My Corner of the World

A favorite place to view Mt Taranaki.

 This weekly link-up is a place to share photos and see photos from around the world.

It opens at 12AM, NZ time, each Wednesday and stays open for
a week to give you time to link up and visit other blogs.

Click the blue 'add link' button below to share your blog post with
family-friendly photos.

Please add a link-back somewhere on your blog or your 
post may be deleted.
You can use the badge below.
If you have trouble linking up, email me and I will link for you.


Taken For Granted said...

What a great landscape photo with the road reaching toward the mountain.

Pisi Prkl said...

Awesome photo! Thank you for hosting.

kwarkito said...

it's a wonderful photo with a amazing perspective. I like it very much

Suzana said...

The place is indeed spectacular.
Have you been there climbing it? The image is so special with the impression
of being at the end of the road!
Happy WW and a fine week! 😘❤️

Amy said...

Love that view, gosh I haven't seen in since I was little when I was on a family holiday.

Lydia C. Lee said...

That's lovely - esp with that whiff of cloud in front of the mountain

Cloudia said...

Thank you for this nice gathering

roentare said...

this mountain is gorgeous! Great glow.

Sandee said...

What's over this rise. What a great shot.

Thank you for hosting the fun.

Have a fabulous day and week. ♥

rupam sarma said...

That's great, Amazing view

Lea said...

Wow! What a view!

Veronica Lee said...

Love the perspective.

Happy Wednesday and thanks for hosting, Betty.

Jill Harrison said...

fabulous perspective down the road. Happy travels, enjoy your week, stay safe and thankyou again for the linkup.

Kirsi schreibt said...

On the Road again ... greetings and thanks for Hosting

Rostrose said...

That's really a great view of Mt Taranaki dear, Betty. I hope to see it with my own eyes from this perspective one day!
Among other things, I will show you an Austrian iris blossom meadow today.
All the best and happy days! 🌷☘️🌷
Hugs, Traude 😘

My GBGV Life said...

Cool photo!

Lillian "sognafaret" said...

Wow amazing photo

Violetta said...

Wow , you take some speed and jump up to the mountain.
All the best

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Lovely shot, Betty!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Beautiful mountain view!

Michelle at https://mybijoulifeonline.com said...

So impressive! This is a really beautiful shot.

Silke - Miteinander-Bücher said...

It's amazing!

Müge Tekil said...

A very nice capture! I have not visited New Zealand but am very impressed with its natural beauties

Peabea Scribbles said...

Oh my how spectacular. Would be so fun to be on that road to see that.