
My Corner of the World

Taken on a bush walk on Mt Taranaki--
I believe it is a sort of branching moss.


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around the world.

It opens at 12AM, NZ time, each Wednesday and stays open for
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Michele Morin said...

What lovely vegetation! Is it a fungus? Moss? Lichen?

EricaSta said...

Wow. Never seen before... what is it. Is it a plant or an animal?

Thank you for hosting.
Stay healthy and well.

Sharon Wagner said...

Exotic, other-worldly photo!

Birgitta said...

Great and special photo!

Peabea Scribbles said...

Interesting growth on wood. :) Like the angle you shot too. :) Have great week.

Tom said...

...now that something that I won't see in my corner of the world!

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Looks very wet there.
Thank you for hosting, Betty!

Amy said...

I'm not sure what sort of plant that is, some type of native.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Is that lichen? Very interesting plant

Lydia C. Lee said...

Lovely, and glad you can get out and enjoy the scenery!

Suzana said...

What a strange shape. And the green shade is so beautiful!
Thank you for the linking.
Happy WW and a fine week!

Gardenrelish said...

Interesting "organism"! Thank you for hosting. :-)

Taken For Granted said...

I am assuming this is a plant. It is a new one to me. Do you know what it is?

kiwikid said...

Beautiful photo.

csuhpat1 said...

Wow, so very beautiful. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Beautiful Greenery isn’t at all what I think of when I hear “Bush Walk”...I thought it would mean prairie-like country.

rupam sarma said...


riitta k said...

Beautiful photo.

Schwabenfrau said...

Very nice photo, what is that?
Greetomgs Eva

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

A wonderful close up image Betty. Have a good weekend and thanks for comments you leave.

Nancy Chan said...

Beautiful. I can see the spider web. Happy Wednesday.

Veronica Lee said...

How extraordinary, Betty!

Happy Wednesday!

Klara said...

beautiful plant.

Mami Made It said...

Beautiful picture! Thanks for inviting me to your link party.
Have a nice day!

Diana said...

A very interesting plant! I like the shape. And I like the spider's „house”. :)
Happy WW, Betty!

Heidi R. said...

Interesting and there are spider threads in this moss too?

Anonymous said...

What a lovely moss.Refreshing and dewy fresh.

Have a wonderful week dear Betty. And see you at #WW. We have va new avatar:


Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Beautiful shot, Betty. As you know, I love mosses and lichens, liverworts and toadstools. (Better stop there I'm starting to sound like a witch from Macbeth!).

My Desktop Daily said...

PS: Thank you for hosting!

Zinaida Strinu said...

Wow! The color of the emerald. Awesome!

Happy Wordless Wednesday, Betty!

Kirsi schreibt said...

How Intersting, I see never such plants before you show us this!
Greetings from Germany and thanks for this Party,

Elkes Lebensglück said...

wonderful this photo!
Have a good week, Elke

Stef Rof said...

Interesting muscle shape on that pistil.

Sandee said...

Beautiful. I love the spider web too.

Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

Linda said...

Interesting picture.

diane b said...

Great shot of an unusual plant.

Priya said...

That's a beautiful picture, Betty :)

- Priya (https://softypinkngloriousred.wordpress.com)

Laura. M said...

Naturaleza hermosa.
Buen fin de semana. Cuídate.
Un abrazo.

Crafty Green Poet said...

that's a lovely moss!