
My Corner of the World

Trees from the archives--manuka trees where the bees get pollen for manuka honey.
They grow like this naturally.


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               and Our World Tuesday


Peabea Scribbles said...

Do they bend that way for a reason..like some things bend toward direction of the sun. Interesting to see. Thanks for hosting.

Michele Morin said...

Things are beginning to look like spring in my corner!

EricaSta said...

Never seen Manuka trees. Thank you for sharing and thank you, too for hosting.

Stay healthy and well.

Rhodesia said...

Beautiful, great to be able to look out over the sea. Thanks for hosting. Diane

Café Sonnenblende said...

I have discovered this beautiful photo challenge and would like to participate. I have just published my first contribution and hope that everything is right!
These Manuka Trees look very interesting! Have they grown so crooked from the wind? A nice photo!
Many greetings from Germany from Merle

Rhodesia said...

Interesting shaped trees. Hope all is well over there. Diane

NatureFootstep said...

They look strange. Wonder if there was a year with very strong winds to bend them all. :)

Take care!

Suzana said...

Manuka trees? Interesting. I know the manuka honey. :)
Thank you for the linking! All the best!
Happy WW!

Lydia C. Lee said...

Those trees are crazy!

Heidi R. said...

The trees look weak and sometimes bizarre, is that normal?

kiwikid said...

Those trees have seen some windy weather!!

csuhpat1 said...

So very beautiful. Very lovely. Love how those trees bend. Very nice.

Jill Harrison said...

I often see lines of trees when we travel that I would like to stop and photograph - but I don't like to keep asking if we can stop. I hope you are doing well. Take care and thank you again for the link up.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

They bend but they don’t break! Good example for all of us nowadays!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Tall and skinny trees formed most likely by wind and storms?

At Home In New Zealand said...

I always feel sorry for our trees along the western coastline - they get so much wind - but it does make for some very interesting shapes!

Kirsi schreibt said...

Oh Manuka Trees - I've never seen before. But I hear a little bit from Manuka Honey.
Greetings from Germany

Nancy Chan said...

Looks like those trees were formed by the wind. Does Manuka Honey comes from these trees? Thanks for hosting and have a beautiful day.

Natasha said...

Manuka trees, wow! Never seen them. Is there where we get Manuka honey from?

Wonder what caused them to bend symmetrically...

Have a wondrous Wednesday and fab new week, ahead dear Betty.


Join in for our #WW blog hop, if you please.

Biggi said...

Hallo Betty,
ich habe noch nie von Manuka-Bäume gehört.
Die sehen so dünn und schwach aus, man könnte denken das sie beim nächsten Wind umkippen.

Liebe Grüße

rupam sarma said...

Beautiful trees. Thanks for the post and Hosting.

Veronica Lee said...

I've never seen manuka trees before! I know about the honey though!

italiafinlandia said...

Awesome symmetry.
Have a nice week, Betty!

Birgitta said...

Wow! Such beautiful and special trees!

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Always a pleasure to come and visit your blog, Betty!

My Desktop Daily said...

PS: Thank you for hosting!

Schwabenfrau said...

I read that the manuka trees bloom really nicely. It looks very bizarre.
Greetings Eva

Rose said...

Oh, I so love this!

Bill said...

I've never seen Manuka trees before. I love the way they all bend. Nicely composed image. Have a wonderful day, Betty.

Handmade in Israel said...

Interesting trees! Such great shapes.

Nanchi said...

How strange phenomenon of Manuka trees! Lovely to see. Thank you for posting! :)


Kayni said...

My first time to see what Manuka trees look like. I've always wondered where Manuka honey comes from.

Angie said...

Betty - how interesting. This is the first time that I have heard of these trees, or the honey. Enjoy your weekend!

Rumpelkammer said...

wonderful piktures
I dont heard of those trees (Manuka)

Elkes Lebensglück said...

these are the trees that look like this because of the wind, but they are deeply rooted in the earth. With me there are also to watch. I always think it's funny!
Have a beautiful weekend, Elke

Powell River Books said...

In my mom's final year she had a terrible burn and the doctor had us treat her with Manuka honey. I have some left that I use for wounds and burns. It really helps healing in my experience. - Margy