
My Corner of the World

Remains of  Kohukohu bank vault after a fire destroyed the bank.


Thank you all for your wonderful contributions last week!
We had a record-breaking number of entrants :)

This weekly link up opens on Wednesday at 12AM, NZ time and stays open
for a week, so you can link up and comment on other posts any time.

Just click the blue 'add link' button below to add your family-friendly photo.

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Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Thanks Betty...for everything! .... wow, looks like at least the money in that vault was probably saved.

Natalie said...

An interesting artifact. Thanks, Betty, for hosting and sharing your photo. Have a nice day!

Sharon Wagner said...

It looks like an outhouse. But the contents were much more valuable!

RobertN said...

Gold rush...

EricaSta said...

Its necessary and good to remembering. Thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Oh... I've never seen anything like it! I hope nothing more happened! - The photo is great though, you don't see that often...
Greetings, Julie

kiwikid said...

At first glance I thought it was part of an old bridge 😁😁 never seen anything like that before, great photo.

Elkes Lebensglück said...

great Photo from artifact!!
Greetings Elke

Heidi R. said...

It looks like the safe was very stable?

csuhpat1 said...

That is so very cool. Love it. Thanks for sharing.

At Home In New Zealand said...

Strange what you can find when you start to look around. Thanks for posting :)

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

How interesting that these were saved as sculptures

Jim said...

Very interesting post.

Veronica Lee said...

Interesting but such a sad reminder. I hope no one perished in the fire.

Happy Wednesday, Betty!

Schwabenfrau said...

That's a powerful part and this wooden bench can take it. Excellent!

Greetings Eva

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Hi Betty, so glad you invited me to your blog. I don't normally visit blogs that have external links. I normally consider them spam. However, something (and I have no idea what) had me linking to your site. I read your story of how you met your husband and learned you were originally from KS, too (I live in Wichita). I appreciate you inviting me to join in your family friendly weekly photos. However, I prefer not to do so this week, because I want to properly link you when I do. I'll join next week, and if you don't mind, I'll add your badge to my right sidebar. Most Sundays I will post a mural I have found in Wichita. I say "most," because every year from April 1 through April 22, I share a recycled or repurposed project. It leads up to what most people call Earth Day, but I call bEARTHday.

BTW, I also have a Cool Pix, but I doubt mine is as nice as yours. I bought it because it uses 4 AA batteries and not a flat battery like my first Cool Pix. I got tired of waiting for the flat battery to recharge, and I always have charged (rechargeable) AA batteries on hand. I'll see you next Sunday.

It's amazing what heat a bank vault can withstand. That is one incredible photo.

Zinaida Strinu said...

Well...Sic transit gloria mundi.

Happy WW, Betty!

italiafinlandia said...

Almost a metaphysical painting...

Jill Harrison said...

well the bank vault was certainly secure! Thanks again for the link up and have a great week!

Nancy Chan said...

This part of the building that refused to be destroyed by the fire. Great find. Happy Wednesday!

rupam sarma said...

Interesting post and pic.
Thanks for hosting.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

The vault withstood the fire and that might be reassuring in a perverse sort of way.

Rhodesia said...

Hi Betty, thanks for your comments on my blogs and for hosting My Corner of the World. I do not normally add links to my printed comments so next time I will not add if there is a link on your comment. If I do it for one I have to do it for others! Sorry. Cheers Diane

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Ah, the safe was ...well, SAFE! :-)
Thanks for hosting, Betty!

My Desktop Daily said...

Looks like it's sitting on the bench! ;-)

PerthDailyPhoto said...

The fact that the vault still has a lock on it made me smile Betty :)

Rohrerbot said...

The money is all gone I bet:)

eileeninmd said...


Seems like an interesting place for a bank vault. Wishing you a great day!

Birgitta said...

Like this! Interesting post!

Debbie D. said...

That must have been a raging fire! Makes for a fascinating photo. The vault is locked, but surely, the money has been removed? ☺ Thanks for hosting this link party. Cheers

Angie said...

Betty - we are all reassured that our worldly goods will be preserved if our bank burns down. Too bad we probably cannot say the same about bank vaults in the "cloud"!

Suzy said...

What an interesting find and thanks for hosting!

Lydia C. Lee said...

That's very cool!!! Hope they had a better door at the time it was a bank!

Bill said...

Interesting find, at least the vault did the job it was supposed to. :)

Tanya Breese said...

The money was safe there!

isabella kramer - veredit said...

That's a pretty cool story! Warmest thanks, Betty for hosting and creating this lovely linky party.

I wish you a wonderful weekend on the other side of our planet.

xxx, isabella

Nicole/Frau Frieda said...

Very interesting post. Thank you for sharing. Have a nice day.

Cloudia said...

Thank You!