
My Corner of the World

Welcome to my weekly photo link-up, 
My Corner of the World!

The link-up opens at midnight each Wednesday morning, NZ time, 
and stays open for a week.
Click the blue 'add link' button below and fill in the three 
lines, then select your photo.
Please link to a specific post so we can find it easily. 
Any family-friendly blog photo will do.
A back link is appreciated. You can grab the MCoW button here.

Photographing New Zealand

Don't forget to visit other blogs and return the visits of other bloggers!

If you have any questions you can email me at tenfootheart (at) gmail (.) com.


Tom said...

...a similar sight in My Corner of the World!

csuhpat1 said...

Such a beautiful photo, very nice.

Calendula said...

Mysterious photo! Beautiful!

Sharon Wagner said...

I always love a good moon shot. We live so far away from each other but still grounded underneath the same sky.

Lydia C. Lee said...

You'v got to love the moon - so mesmerising

Shiju Sugunan said...

Beautiful crescent!

Veronica Lee said...

Awesome capture, Betty. So mystical and hauntingly beautiful.

Happy WW!

Handmade in Israel said...

What a great capture!

Nancy Chan said...

Beautiful moon shot! I can never get a nice moon shot with my smartphone camera. Thank you for hosting and have a great and happy day!

Heidi R. said...

Good moon, you go so quiet
through the evening clouds
Your Creator's wise will
meant to pull that train on you
Light friendly to everyone tired
in the quiet little room
and your shimmer pour peace
into the beleaguered heart! ...
Songwriter: Franz Frankenberg / Wolf Hausmann / Johannes Jorge / gunther kaleta
(Sleeping song for children)

Birgitta said...

Beautiful capture!

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Lovely picture.
Thank you for hosting.

italiafinlandia said...

Awesome shot!
Thanks, Betty, for hosting.
Have a nice week.

Anonymous said...

We had the same idea this week, my friend...:)jp

Mary K. said...

Such a beautiful moon!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Beautiful bright crescent moon!

Jeanna said...

Very pretty, I've yet to get a decent moon shot.

Sarah at SmallWorld said...

Gorgeous moon shot!