

 I can't count the times we have driven by this house and I have told myself that
I will stop sometime to photograph it.
Well, that time finally came!


eileeninmd said...

Hello, awesome photos. I love the trees and cool old barn? Enjoy your day, have a great new week!

Tom said...

...beautiful, but needs a bit of work.

Calendula said...

Perfect scene composition!
I would have stopped there either to take a photo! That looks much like those little cottages the first European settlers had built.

Have a nice weekend!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic photos! And to think this was once somebody’s home. It makes me wonder what their l(ves were like.

magnoliasntea said...

I'd love to live in a house like that.
Excellent photos!

kiwikid said...

Great photos, I wonder what the house could tell us, did the owners move away or build a bigger house near by?

Aimz said...

yup I do that all the time too.

rupam sarma said...

Awesome pics :)

Anonymous said...

Dear Betty,
it's a good thing you listened to your inner voice.
A wonderful landscape and wonderful photos!
Love greetings

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

It looks as though the trees are faring better than the dwelling these days.

Rose said...

Oh, wouldn't you love to know its story? This one really calls to my heart.

Jo Tracey said...

I love noticing those everyday things and one day stopping to photograph them. The textures in this old house were absolutely worth the effort.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love seeing old buildings and imagining someone's life there...what they did, how happy they were to get it built! Great pics!