
stuff along the road

This bridge at Seddon carried road and rail traffic for over 100 years. Click here for more information. 

Everybody needs a drinking consultant!

Oyster Bay, Port Underwood memorial

Havelock is the place for green mussels.

engine outside museum in Havelock


a few more signs

Sadly, the store didn't gather as much interest as their sign.

For those of a certain age.


Waiting in traffic, I noticed this 'US' stamp on a highway sign. Weird.

It's too bad that this one is necessary.

This is how you enjoy the local pool and pay your dues in Taranaki!


My Corner of the World

I'm so glad I  can step outside and snap images like this!


South island scenery

These photos were taken along the east coast of the south island, between Christchurch and Marlborough Sounds.

Below are shots of Lake Grassmere Saltworks where we get salt from the ocean.


south island churches

 Church of the Holy Passion of our Lord, Hurunui

 St Peter's Anglican Parish, Kaikoura

 Ward, NZ

 Okaramio Church

 St John Anglican, Nelson


Wairau Valley