
my brave little garden

Between the rainy bits of the winter, these lovely
little bits of color sway in the breeze outside my windows.
I can't wait until spring gets here!

Floral Friday Photos

**I have updated my list of photo links, so feel free to click the
'photo memes' tab at the top of the page!**


Andrea said...

I love the blues, whatever flowers they are! There really are plenty in NZ and in colder climes.

Rose said...

They are beautiful...LOVE that pink rose.

diane b said...

It looks like Spring has already arrived. It has here too.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
As Diane says - it has arrived, according to the flowers and the trees. Nature has no concept of calendar!!! YAM xx

Tom said...

...nature can be so resilient.

Anonymous said...

Nothing says Spring like purples and pinks!!!...:)JP

Lea said...

Have a great week-end!

Sharon Wagner said...

Beautiful shots today. I wish I could have a do over on Summer.

Frank Hubeny said...

I liked the bright blue in the first photo.

DeniseinVA said...

A lovely splash of color in your winter garden. A lovely splash of color at any time of the year. Love your photos :)

Rhonda Albom said...

I'm happy for the mild winter. You have some nice spots of colour.

Ingrid said...

Very beautiful flower pictures !

Minoru Saito said...

Hi! Very beautiful. I have a plan to visit N.Z in December.Thanks for sharing.

Judy Biggerstaff said...

Beautiful to see the spring flowers come to life. Such gorgeous colors.