
Elephant Rock and WATW

Sadly, after the last bout of earthquakes earlier in the month, poor Elephant Rock has lost his trunk and is now a humble arch. :( The good news is that there should be some new and interesting column and shapes in the new year.


So, how's your world going today?
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4 Lettre Words said...

Now that is cool!

Linda W. said...

Sorry about the damage to elephant rock. I think it still looks like an elephant though.

diane b said...

That is sad to see the elephant lose his trunk.

Rhonda Albom said...

That's a lot of damage but considering the earthquake, it's not surprising.

Sharon Wagner said...

Wow! What a vista. So sad only part of it remains. I bet you're glad you have that first great shot.

Taken For Granted said...

That must have been some earthquake to shatter Elephant Rock like this. Impressive before and after photos. Thank you for hosting this blog.

Anonymous said...

What an apt name for this rock formation! Thanks for hosting Betty:)

Aimz said...

I've never been there but I've seen photos of it - shame some of it has disappeard but I'm sure it's still quite eye catching.

Bill said...

That is a big chunk taken off. I never saw this before but it still looks impressive.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Wow, geology happens I guess.

Jill Harrison said...

aawww poor elephant. But aren't the forces of geology and nature amazing! Wishing you a wonderful 2017.

Handmade in Israel said...

Aww, what a shame! That was a cool elephant :( Nature is amazing. Hope something else wonderful will soon appear!

Vilt og vakkert said...

Heisann, rare cliff, interesting! Have a nice Christmas time ;:OD)

CountryMouse said...

That is a shame. I don't think 'headless elephant rock' has the same ring to it.

likeschocolate said...

So sad, but still very interesting! Happy New Year!

Cathy Kennedy said...

Ah, that's too bad about Elephant Rock! We heard about the earthquakes in your part of the world. Thanks for sharing and please feel to free to join me for not-so Wordless Wednesday!