
Church of the Good Shepherd, Lake Tekapo

Ever since I arrived in New Zealand, I have seen photos of the Church of the Good Shepherd on Lake Tekapo in the South Island. I was curious because the background in the photos seemed quite limited so I asked Hubby to put it on the list of things to see.  He was willing to drive for 3 hours from our hotel room for me to see it. And now I know why the photos were limited. This is a very edited shot I took.

For a place that isn't on the way to anywhere else, it was packed with people. The setting by the lake with the surrounding mountains would be fabulous if you could get a shot, Obviously, that is nearly impossible.

Since we could see the towers of the Mt John Observatory from the church, we decided to try to see the church from there. I think I like these shots that Hubby took better.

A highlight of the 3 hour trip was turning a corner to see Mt Cook behind Lake Pukaki. The water was unbelievably blue from the glacier water.

I like how this automatic edit turned out.


John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

It reminds me of the little stone-built churches you sometimes find in the mountainous parts of Northern England and Scotland. Some are by the roadside and attract hordes of people other involve a short walk and are mysteriously empty.

Andy said...

The church stone work looks awesome.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

what a beautiful old church and the view from above is spectacular.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

The Mountain is breathtaking. Sweet little church built with love you can tell. It's great to have a husband happy to go to out of the way places isn't it. Mine is too and I feel so lucky for that.

Stare Ström said...

Beautiful pictures of Mt Cook. I've seen it from Lake Matheson, but not this impressing!

At home I'm doing all I can to find signs of springtime. It's still very grey and dull, but it is in the air!

Anonymous said...

Wow - so gorgeous!

Julia Dent said...

That water is absolutely beautiful!


Holly Myers said...

What a beautiful spot in the world! Great shots!

Mary K. said...

Hi Betty, I found your blog through the photo Friday link up party. I am so excited to see these amazing shots. I am a big LOTR fan so you can imagine I'm seeing all sorts of amazing scenes in your photography. These are absolutely stunning.

Anonymous said...

Breath taking views, Betty! From this cute church, and it's welcoming name, and all the views around!
My link for SEASONS was out earlier, but it's "on" now -- Had promised to communicate this to everyone, so I hereby do. Hope you can join in between Mon-Wed. till 7 pm US, Pacific time. Have a lovely week!