Lovely crisp images which, without the distraction of colour, emphasise the structure and form of the blooms. Not the most obvious subject for monochrome, but all the more interesting for that.
Wonderful lightness in this photos ! The effect of black and white is great. i send you lovely greetings from Germany Jutta I camevisiting you from "Weekend in B/W "
Lovely crisp images which, without the distraction of colour, emphasise the structure and form of the blooms. Not the most obvious subject for monochrome, but all the more interesting for that.
Such a lovely collection.
Para si e para a sua família desejo um Natal de Luz! Abençoado e repleto de alegrias.
Those flowers are beautiful, also when you've removed their colours!
I like this blog. It makes me dream... Wonderful pictures
Wonderful lightness in this photos !
The effect of black and white is great.
i send you lovely greetings from Germany
I camevisiting you from "Weekend in B/W "
Such a beautiful sequence. The flowers are perfectly shaped and textured.
such beauty's.
Happy Weekend!
Lovely shots of the flowers!
Somehow I missed this one. I love these flowers in black and white.
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