
Big Bay, Awhitu

The first stop on our trip was at Big Bay. It's on the Awhitu Peninsula, just south of Auckland.

I was quite taken with all the sealife on the beach from anemones to coral, oysters to sand dollars and even a sea slug. But most of all I was intrigued with the beach itself. The 'sand' looked like pieces of hollowed out tree trunks at some places. Other parts were oyster covered rocks. It's a definite change from Taranaki beaches.


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Lovely to see all the things you found at the beach and nicely presented in the 2 collages. Happy Valentine's Day. Have a lovely weekend.

facile et beau - Gusta said...

The beach looks so amazing!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Beaches hold so much info... and awsome beauty... YAM xx

EG CameraGirl said...

What a great place to wander about and take photos!

Mari said...

Oh these finds are so pretty. A very intertaining holiday you had.

Aimz said...

lovely photos! we don't see many of those sand dollars up here.

Linda W. said...

That is an interesting beach. Glad you shared your photos of it.

The Travelling Lindfields said...

New Zealand is a truly stunning place - an absolute wonderland for a traveller

Aimeecakes said...

Some fab details here!!

Donna said...

Fascinating images

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Incredibly gorgeous beach; one for hiking not laying out on a beach towel obviously. That would be fine with me; I'd rather walk and look for stuff anytime.

Beautiful pictures.

Unknown said...

It certainly inspires me to visit! Thanks for linking up with #wkendtravelinspiration!