
random photos

This snowy shot is from a train trip into the mountains. We don't get much snow in Taranaki.

That's 'Mt Doom' on the right. Locally known as Mt Ngauruhoe.

 Join us at My Corner of the World each Wednesday!


My Corner of the World

Linking to Our World Tuesday


Welcome to My Corner of the World!

This weekly link up opens on Wednesday at 12AM, NZ time and stays open for a week, so you can link up and comment on other posts any time.

Please link one family-friendly photo blog post.
Just click the blue 'add link' button below.

A backlink is appreciated; you can get my badge below for your post.



Back when I was a kid (a very long time ago!) if you wanted to insult someone, 
you would call them a 'drip.'
The 'smart' reply to that was:

A drip is a drop;
a drop is water;
water is nature;
and nature is beautiful.

 Join us at My Corner of the World each Wednesday!



My Corner of the World

Shag Point, Otago

Linking up to: Pictorial Tuesday

           and Travel Tuesday


Welcome to my weekly photo link-up, 

My Corner of the World!

The link-up opens at midnight each Wednesday morning, NZ time, and stays open for a week.

Click the blue 'add link' button below.

Please link to a specific post so we can find it easily. 

Any family-friendly blog photo will do. 

A back link is appreciated. You can grab the MCoW button for your post or page below.

Don't forget to visit other blogs and return the visits of other bloggers!


My Corner of the World

Two of many wild peacocks and peahens on our latest trip.

Linking to Lovin' Life

                        and Wordless Wednesday

Welcome to my weekly photo link-up, 

My Corner of the World!

The link-up opens at midnight each Wednesday morning, NZ time, and stays open for a week.

Click the blue 'add link' button below.

Please link to a specific post so we can find it easily. 

Any family-friendly blog photo will do. 

A back link is appreciated. You can grab the MCoW button for your post or page below.

Don't forget to visit other blogs and return the visits of other bloggers!


backroad beauty

We went on another backroads trip, this time east of Whanganui.
We found some interesting scenery, including this poor duckie that was in need of some help on the Whanganui River as we passed by.

We passed two of these bridges with low clearance. 

More photos to come!

 Join us at My Corner of the World each Wednesday!