
My Corner of the World

Kaikoura scenery

 This weekly link-up is a place to share your photos and see photos from all  around the world.

It opens at 12AM, New Zealand time each Wednesday and stays open for a week to give you time to link up and to visit other blogs.

Please add a link-back on your blog. You can use the badge below.

If you have trouble linking, email me and I will help.



Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

The brown hills near the sea are an interesting contrast! I see both in our travels, but not so close together!

Violetta said...

Always such nice photos.
Have a good time

Amy said...

Lovely, I haven't been there yet.

Lydia C. Lee said...

Lovely! I think I went close to there....

Jill Harrison said...

Our son and his family went to NZ before Christmas. We enjoyed following them and seeing the stunning landscapes they visited. Have a fabulous week and thankyou again for the linkup

Veronica Lee said...

Love the mix of rugged coastline, rolling hills, and that misty mountain vibe.

Suzana said...

I like a lot this landscape and how the mountain behind appears through the clouds. Beautiful!
Happy WW!❤️😘

rupam sarma said...

Amazing view, Well captured.
Thanks a lot for hosting.

Amy Johnson said...

Beautiful scenery. Thanks for the party.

Life Of 2 Snowbirds said...

I love your photo! I'm not sure that I will ever get to Kaikoura but I would definitely love to!