
My Corner of the World

There's always that one! - Clematis

Linking at: Nature Notes

                        Pictorial Tuesday

                          and  Nature Thursday - DND


 This weekly link-up is a place to share photos and see photos from around the world.

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I visit each blog but sometimes I can't leave a comment.


Tom said...

...clematis will be a welcomed sight in my garden come summer. Your corner of the world looks lovely.

Kirsi schreibt said...

Oh what beauti- and colourful blossoms.
Greetings from a rainy and grey-in-grey Germany

Birgitta said...

Wonderful flower phnoto!

Peabea Scribbles said...

Beautiful flower and purple color. Needed some color today with all the dreary snow here.

Michele Morin said...

Beautiful flowers! Love the contrast.

Handmade in Israel said...

What a great photo! "That one" really stands out!

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Gorgeous Clematis, Betty.

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

The purple color is so rich. How did that white one sneak in?

Taken For Granted said...

Beautiful purple and white flowers. Here we have wind and snow.

NatureFootstep said...

this is a beautiful flower but right now I don´t remember it´s name. :)

Amy said...

Yes, it's good to stand out in a crowd.

Heidi R. said...

The clematis is beautiful in its summer season, with us there is snow (but only briefly).

Sharon Wagner said...

Purple power!

Meditations in Motion said...

Beautiful clematis! It will be 6 months until mine bloom.

rupam sarma said...

Beautiful flower

csuhpat1 said...

Beautiful color and a beautiful flower. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

kiwikid said...


Hazel said...

Splendid shot! Two of my favorite things are in there - flowers and purple. This added cheer to my day. Thank you.

Schwabenfrau said...

Such a beautiful clematis, I especially like it.

Lea said...


dee Nambiar said...

The odd one that gets noticed!
Enjoy your summer. :)

Happy New Year & Thank you for hosting, Betty. :)

riitta k said...

Gorgeous clematis <3

italiafinlandia said...


Suzana said...

White and purple it's a perfect combination of colors! I love it!
Thank you for the linking and a Happy WW!

Veronica Lee said...

Love the pretty Clematis, Betty!

Happy Wednesday!

Jill Harrison said...

gorgeous - are these passionfruit flowers? lovely and I love the odd one out. Have a good week! ad stay safe.

Zinaida Strinu said...

These flowers are beautiful! What's their name?

Have a fine day, dear Betty!

Nancy Chan said...

Beautiful Clementis. Love the white and purple colours of the flowers. Take care and stay safe.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Oh so pretty. I love clematis.

My Desktop Daily said...

A spectacular collection of clematis, Betty! The blue and violet shades of these flowers are my faves.

Brian King said...

Beautiful flowers!

Amy Johnson said...

Oh wow! How funny! Love it!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

The beautiful clematis serves to remind us that summer will come again, and maybe the COVID vaccine will enable us to get out and enjoy it.

Yvonne said...

The clematis are so beautiful.

Sandee said...

Wow, they jumped right off the page at me. Beautiful.

Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

Susie of Arabia said...

Such beautiful clematis! My sister-in-law grows them and I just love them so much.

Joanne said...

That clematis is so beautiful!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Yup, somebody has to be different! Gosh those are beautiful.

Jutta.K. said...

Nice motif of these magical flowers!
Thank you for linking your challenge to the "DND".
♥ Greetings

Crafty Green Poet said...

beautiful photo! Lovely contrast in the colours of the flowers

Bill said...

Very beautiful and so pretty to see.
Enjoy your day!

Rumpelkammer said...

what a wonderful picture
lovely flower


Rhodesia said...

These plants seem to grow for everyone except me. They just die!!!
Keep safe Diane

Diana said...

Wonderful color combination!
Velvet flowers!
All the best!

Rambling Woods said...

Love the color.....

Pia said...

Ich freue mich so sehr bis die Clematis in meinem Garten blüht. Ein wenig muss ich noch warten. Bei uns liegt aussergewöhnlich viel Schnee.
L G Pia

Gartendeko-Blog said...

Dankeschön für die nette Einladung. Natürlich habe ich meinen Winter-Impressionen-Beitrag gerne hier geteilt und werde gleich mal in den anderen Beiträgen stöbern. Eine gute Zeit und liebe Grüße
