
My Corner of the World

Manuka Trees (I believe)


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Birgitta said...

What a beautiful photo!

Traveler In Me said...

They seem so ..... also called the broom tea tree, right? Cool photo there Betty :)
Wishing you a happy week ahead

Julie said...

A nice photo of the Manuka Trees, we do not know these trees at all and so I was very happy to see them here!
I also wrote a contribution again and thank you very much for this wonderful action!
Have a nice week! Greetings from Germany, Joana

Heidi R. said...

Great, I see a little blue flashing between the Manuka Trees!

Tom said...

...wonderful silhouettes.

Meditations in Motion said...


Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Interesting stark photo of the trees behind the wire fence. I speculate that grazing animals have pruned away the lower branches of the trees, or perhaps there had been a wild fire which spared the upper parts of the tree.

Schwabenfrau said...

It grows as a head-high shrub or as a tree up to 15 meters high with white or pink flowers. Manuka fields often bloom for months.

Since the plant is very robust and resilient, it grows almost everywhere in New Zealand, but is mainly cultivated on the North Island of New Zealand. Because there she finds ideal growth conditions. It also grows in southeastern Australia. It is even believed that it originated there before "emigrating" to New Zealand.
So beautiful your picture, I believe you, that she likes it.
Greetings Eva

Natalie said...

I hope the manuka trees will soon flower in the spring. The manuka flowers are pretty. Thanks, Betty, for hosting MCoW.

Suzana said...

I like the image with that trees. As far as I know, their flowers are used to make a special honey. But I do not know how they looks.
Happy WW and thank you for the linking!

EricaSta said...

Thank you for sharing, it's very interesting.

Stay healthy and well.

csuhpat1 said...

So very wonderful. Beautiful trees. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

Taken For Granted said...

Interesting looking trees. Always enjoy seeing New Zealand indigenous plants and trees. Thank you for hosting this site for all of us to post our photos. New Zealand has been perfect with the pandemic and serve as a model for the rest of the world.

Trekking with Becky said...

I've never heard of these trees. It's interesting to see how different parts of the world have different vegetation, fauna, etc. Thanks for hosting. :)

rupam sarma said...

Looks beautiful

Jill Harrison said...

I love this low angle you've used for this pic. I must look up those trees. Stay safe and have a good week.

Natasha said...

Dear Betty,

Manuka trees wow! And all I can think of is Manuka honey. It's quite a delicacy.

I think you had once posted another picture of Manuka a while back, right?

I would love to see one for real.

Have a fabulous week ahead. I'm live so see you soon at my alley:


Linky is open for the next two weeks!

NatureFootstep said...

nice row of trees (?)

Sandee said...

Beautiful trees. You're in spring and we're in fall. We're both enjoying the season.

Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Nice one, Betty! It would be nice to take this photo again on different times of the day and night.

Nancy Chan said...

Nice shot of the manuka trees. Are these manuka trees related to manuka honey? Have a great day and week.

Amy Johnson said...

Those trees are so interesting! Thanks for the party!

Veronica Lee said...

I am a big fan of manuka honey products but had no idea how the trees looked like until now!

Thanks for sharing, Betty!

Pauline said...

Manuka is flowering here right now. Love their delicate flowers.

orvokki said...

Todella kaunis silhuetti. Puut ovat ihanat.

Linda said...

I like the way the trees are silhouetted against the sky.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Pretty shot. The trees look almost delicate in this view.

Soma @ inkTorrents.com said...

Lovely photo of those beautiful trees!
