
Friesian mailbox and WATW

Hubby build this mailbox  several years ago. We eventually sold it online 
to a dairy farmer and delivered it to the farm.

Since I had mentioned the mailbox a while back, Hubby took me to see it 
when we went out for the day. He does listen!

So, what's going on in your world this week?

Link up below and share with us.

Wednesday Around the World

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


Tamar SB said...

How whimsical!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

How did you not want to keep that yourself? So fun to pay a visit to an old friend though. (I do understand selling your creations though. One time years ago my husband built a fold-down camper for us -- but somebody came by and offered him enough money that he sold before we ever even used it.)

Jeanna said...

That is pretty elaborate and I LOVE it. Would be quite welcome around here. It looks like you could make a bird feeder by the tail. Does it open at the propeller?

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

What a fun mailbox!

italiafinlandia said...

It couldn't be more suitable for a dairy farmer! So funny!

Ingrid said...

That's a real original mailbox ! Lol !

rupam sarma said...

Lovely :)) Nice clicks

Tom said...


Lea said...

Hope you are having a great week!

Birgitta said...

Very very nice :)

Heidi R. said...

Haha, die fliegende Kuh ist wirklich witzig!
Liebe Grüße,
Heidi R.

Anonymous said...

It's nice to have talented hubbys...:)JP

likeschocolate said...

Very cute! Have a great week!

Angie said...

I don't know I could have given that away, or even sold it. So cute!!! We are enjoying beautiful fall weather here in Montana, which means lots of 'work' outside, and some hiking!

EricaSta said...

The flying cow is cute. Bravo 😂

Thank you for hosting.
Heidrun xxx

Handmade in Israel said...

How fun! Nice to see it being used.

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

I love that mailbox! Your husband is very talented.

Thomas Lee said...

it sure looks special

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

A unique mailbox that definitely brought a smile to my face.
So very cute.
Thank you for hosting!

Klara S said...

Someone's got a sense of humor!

Sharon said...

That is so funny! I bet your husband's artwork has brought smiles to many people!