

visiting fantail

I had two visiting fantails this morning and took about 30 photos out the window. They are fast little buggers but I got a few good shots.

Their coloring that makes an angry expression makes me giggle.

Most of the shots were blurry or of this side :)


  1. Yes he does ook angry but a fabuous til. Have a great week ahead.

  2. Hari OM
    Oh I know the madness of trying to photograph da birdies! On another tack - fabulous new header shot!!! YAM xx

  3. ...a mighty big tail for such a small bird!

  4. That's the first I've ever seen one. Quite an interesting tail, but the front looks a lot like our juncos here in Canada. - Margy

  5. How fun - I've never seen a fan tail that I can remember, except for the peacock! You were at the window at the right time, Betty! Thumbs up and thank you for sharing your shots of the day with All Seasons! Have a great week:)

  6. Yes, he certainly looks very intent on catching something (or angry that something got away)! Thanks for sharing these delightfully cute pictures!

  7. Wow!
    Hope you are having a wonderful day!

  8. Love those tails. They are different than anything I've seen. Nice shots!

  9. Hello, I almost missed this post. I love the cute Fantails, adorable bird. He is showing off with those pretty tail feathers. Great photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy day and weekend!


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