

Demolition World in Invercargill

If you would like to see years and years of discarded items organized into a quaint little village, you have to stop by Demolition World if you are ever in the Invercargill area.

The owners have spent many years tearing things down and the last 15 years or so building their village with cast-aside items. There are whole buildings filled with items that take you back in time. The main 'street' consists of old store fronts decorated to invite you in to shop.
All sorts of animals wander on the grounds. Yes, that's a chicken drinking from a birdbath in one photo.

There is no charge to see all these wonderful things from the past, but you can make a donation if you feel moved to help out.

Tuesday's Treasures

Open Slather

Friday Photo Journal


  1. That certainly is a lot of junk, but some of it is rather cool!

  2. I love the 'junk', it's lovely to see.

  3. Hari OM
    That's a place one could visit a dozen times and still not see it all!!! Cheers from the Hutch in the Bonny Land... am finally back on my perch!!! YAM xx

  4. That is a uniquely wonderful place -- my husband would love this! (I wouldn't mind it and would be taking zillions of pictures, but he would be looking at how everything was made and talking to the people and just having a great old time.)

  5. Demolition World is saving the local treasures, how wonderful. It's nice to see all these vintage items. Thanks so much for sharing, I hope to see you back again.

  6. Oh, my, I could look and look at this many things of interest!

  7. The scrap of civilisation, people handle often so carelessly with their things, sigh!
    I always try to have my things for a long time and repair many of them, but, of course, I lost scrap too...
    Greetings from Germany

  8. The picture of the peacock is beautiful! The colors of the feather are so vibrant.

  9. Wow, what a step back in time, and if only the walls could talk. It's amazing how one mans junk can be another's treasure, and I bet the people who own and run it love collecting all this stuff.


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