

Mt Taranaki

I love to watch the mountain out the front window, especially when it's clear but windy. The clouds float past quite quickly and change shapes as they go. I also enjoy the lenticular clouds that form above the mountain.


  1. Such a perfectly symmetrical mountain, full of beauty and mystery. All splendidly captured in this series of shots.

  2. If I had a view like that, I'd sit and stare at it and never leave my chair! Magic!

  3. Such beautiful views !!
    Happy New Year !!

  4. How are truly blessed!
    Splendid photos, as always...
    Happy new Year!

  5. How wonderful to have your home near this amazing mountains!! Lovely these views of the cloudy peaks and so snowy, also. Many thanks for sharing them with us.
    A very Happy New Year!

  6. Very impressive.
    Best wishes in 2017.

  7. Oh, that's a gorgeous mountain! Nice photos.

  8. From all angles and settings this mountian is a stunning capture. My curious question is about the 5th capture -you must have been at pretty high altitude to take the top like you did, or?
    A very happy New Year to you, Betty and many thanks for sharing this mountain with ALL SEASONS!

  9. Jeannette, This shot was also taken from the house. I have a Nikon camera with 83x zoom that comes in handy!

  10. Wow, stunning! It looks so beautiful. We just have rain and grey here at the moment.

  11. oh my... this is so beautiful. such a great subject, you can take zillions of photos and they will all be different.

  12. With that view you must be the envy of the world: without a doubt the most gorgeous one anywhere.
    Didn't know there was such a thing as a camera with 83 x zoom - I still think 40x is unbelievable.
    Such terrific images.
    Best wishes for 2017.

  13. I have been to many places in New Zealand. I think Mt. Taranaki is one of the few that I have not passed by yet.

  14. You really do live in Paradise -- that view out your window and summer flowers outside your door. Heavenly!!!


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