

pohutukawas are blooming!

We went out on the day after Christmas looking for pohutukawas and were not disappointed!

We also found this cute display.


  1. What gorgeous color! The structure of the flowers remind me of our mimosas, but mimosa flowers are pink.

  2. How wonderful! I have this in my garden and always wondered what it is! Such a beatiful tree (mine is much smaller).

  3. Hari OM
    LOL.... sublime to ridiculous - great fun. The tree is gorgeous. Taking this chance to wish you all the very best for the New Year... I am off travelling for a couple of months, so may not be able to keep up with reading blogs. There may be withdrawal symptoms! YAM xx

  4. What colorful, unusual flowers!

  5. I love both the flowers and green faces.
    Wish you a happy new year.

  6. They are unusual - and you are lucky - I have several inches of snow to shovel this morning

  7. Wow, these are gorgeous! Such beautiful colours. #PhotoFriday

  8. Wow!!!!!!!!!!!

    Bald malen sich Leuchtblumen in den Himmel
    und da möchte ich es nicht versäumen
    einen ganz herzlichen Dank auf den Weg zu schicken!
    Dankeschön für alles,
    für diesen schönen Post,
    für alle wunderbaren, bereichernde Posts überhaupt,
    für tolle Bilder, liebe Besuche und Worte!
    Schön, dass wir uns gefunden haben!
    Einen guten Rutsch,
    herzlichst Monika*

  9. Hi Betty, Wow, the pohutukawas are beautiful. Thanks for sharing your photos! Happy New Year to you and yours!

  10. Hay! I thought this post was about pohutukawas. :)


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