

Wednesday around the World

The gulls in New Plymouth are quite insistent  when they know you
have food but only the brave get some of ours!

It's not technically spring, but the weather has been very
spring-like and I will not complain!

So, what is it like in your corner of the globe? Link up your
blog and show us! Just click the 'add your link' button
and fill in the blanks. We will be by later to see it!


  1. Hello Betty!
    Your seagulls fit to my post of today.
    Great photos!
    Regards Andrea

  2. I have to try that next season. Seems like fun.
    Thanks for hosting.

  3. Nicely captured, it proves that when you are hungry no one can stop you. Good day. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Awesome capture! I would've been scared to hold out that piece of bread and have the gulls swoop down to take it from my fingers.

  5. Great action shots! Sea gulls are not shy. That's for sure.

  6. What a cool photo !!!!! Very beautiful seagulls !!!!
    Have a great day !!!
    A mewo of Bilbo

  7. Servus Betty,
    klasse Bilder von den hungrigen "Flugkünstlern"!!
    Schönen Gruß,

  8. Wonderfull photos dear betty! ♥ I love the seagulls!

  9. Great captures of the wings! Nice to have Spring weather, here it keeps hovering around the 100 degr.!
    SEASONS will resume on Sunday, so I hope to see you back then. Have a great week (feeding more birds:) )

  10. Great -- your pictures are perfect, but also remind me that this would be a good way for me to practice flight shots -- I know a place where the gulls would act like that (if I could talk somebody else into holding the food).

  11. Was just laughing at Tony's gull post at Old Codger Photography as well and telling him about a local gull hotspot. You do make them work for it. We also have some pretty aggressive ducks and squirrels. The ducks are so bad I learned never to sit at a picnic table barefoot.
    I'm glad you can think spring, nice day here today with the cloud cover but I could do with even less heat.
    And great, GREAT photos. Excellent action shot.

  12. I hope you don't mind but I shared this link with gull pic on one of my fan pages. Please let me know if you have any objections.

  13. That is a great capture of the gull getting its snack.

  14. Bold, clear cut pictures of action in the air.Posting for the 2nd time.

  15. it's been very chilly here, and I too am enjoying the brief bouts of winter sun.


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