

My Corner of the World

Fossils. We find lots of these rocks full of fossils here and there and my brain goes a bit crazy wondering how the rocks got made.

 This weekly link-up is a place to share photos and see photos from around the world.

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Find more photos on my FB page,  New Zealand from my Point of View.


  1. Thank you for hosting this wonderful party. I have linked up at #6. It's the day I spent with my daughter and grand daughter creating some fun art in our neck of the woods! I invite you to share your post at Gma'sPhoto

    Take care and best wishes.
    Debra | Gma’sPhoto

  2. Very fascinating rock!

    My area of Colorado is full of fossils and uplifted red rocks and geologic formations that are millions and billions of years old! My husband and I went on a hike with three local geologists recently and we learned so much from them. I will put some info on my blog in the future.

  3. An interesting fossil stone....tells so much about the past.
    Have a good time

  4. I haven't found many before, mostly just volcanic rocks.

  5. No idea how this rock was formed, but I suspect a great deal of heat and pressure. It makes a lovely photo.

  6. Fossils are a real wonder.
    It's amazing to think about the ancient creatures and the processes that formed these rocks.

    Happy Weds, Betty!

  7. It looks so cool!
    Thank you for hosting, Betty.

  8. Maybe you discover their story and share it.
    I like these kind of fossils. And I asked myself how would be possible a decoder of their
    Happy WW and a fine week with misteries solved!

  9. fascinating isn't it. We went to an amazing dinosaur place in Winton in Queensland last year. Due to the black soil, the bones are coming to the surface! Enjoy your week, and thanyou again for the linkuup.

  10. Oh yes, dear Betty, those fossils are WONDERful!
    Hugs from Austria, Traude

  11. How wonderful you find fossils. Our garden is full of fossil rocks we picked up from construction sites. It is mesmerizing looking at one and wondering what this creature looked liked while it was still alive.

  12. Looks amazing.
    Thanks a lot for hosting.

  13. Whenn Fossils can Talk ... greetings Kirsi

  14. Fossils tell a story and are always fascinating! Thanks for hosting!


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