

My Corner of the World

This is a weta that  Hubby found in our wood pile. 
(The bottom photo for  perspective.)

 This weekly link-up is a place to share photos and see photos from around the world.

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  1. What an amazingly large insect. I am always happy to see interesting wildlife. Thanks for the information.

  2. I love those guys, use to find them at a house I use to live in.

  3. Wow, that is a very old species. But I am not sure if I should like them.
    All the best

  4. It looks ready to jump but I guess that might just be the way the legs sit...great close up!

  5. That looks like a giant Grasshopper! Food for the birds?

  6. Looks like a cross between a cockroach and a grasshopper!

    Happy Wednesday, Betty!

  7. What a strange creature! New for me. Thank you for the link!

    Happy WW and a fine week ahead!

  8. That is a new insect species for me. I really enjoyed the informative videos

  9. Dear Betty,
    I don't know the word "weta" - is that a grasshopper? Looks huge!
    Warm July greetings and all the best, Traude

  10. That's great, Thanks a lot for hosting

  11. Hello,
    It is new to me, it reminds me of a grasshopper.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  12. Thank you for hosting and giving me an opportunity to link up

  13. It was nice to see the Weta and get to read a little bit about it. Thank you.
    Thank you for hosting MCoW, too. :)

  14. Never heard of it! I am going to have to look it up! Have a great week!

  15. WOW!! I've never heard or read of it. They are looking so amazing and it is good that the interest ranged to preserve them.

  16. Fabulous photos! Bonjour from me over in Normandie France. Looking forward to popping back again soon...


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