

spring colors in winter

I am not sure what is happening but my flowers seem to be seasonally challenged!
Winter is on its way and the flowers don't seem to care :)

These 'stars' caught my eye. Even after blooming flowers are pretty.

I don't know what kind of cactus this is, but it looks happy.

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  1. Your flowers are beautiful! I hope the weather continues to be nice so they will do well longer.

  2. Maybe it is a good sign that winter will be a while or mild. The cactus is called a Zygo Cactus.

  3. Stunning photos. Have a good day, Diane

  4. You really don't look like autumn, more like blooming late summer, why is that?

  5. It is weird that they're so mixed up but pretty hard not to rejoice in it! They are beautiful.

  6. Wow ! Lovely post ,These cactus are known as Thanks giving cactus . Thanks for joining in Garden Affair.


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