

a swarm of seagulls

OK, I looked it up and technically, it's a 'colony' of gulls but I think 'swarm'
fits our latest visit to New Plymouth!
Since it's the only town in Taranaki that has Burger King, we make a point of
stopping there when we're in town--about an hour's drive from home.

It was quite overcast and I edited the photos  with some interesting outcomes.

As you can see, the are not shy when food is around. (I know we shouldn't feed them,
and I have no excuse except they are fun to watch !)

Join us at My Corner of the World each Wednesday!


  1. They are fun to watch ! And so many! Enjoy your day!

  2. Love those in flight photos! And I like swarm better than colony, too!

  3. Great photos of these gulls in flight. They will do almost anything to get food. They are born scavengers.

  4. When I lived in New York I often saw seagulls, now that I am in the mountains I don't see them any longer. I always enjoyed it when they would fly alongside a boat, somehow floating in the aurstream.

  5. I love your "swarm" of seagulls. What fun!

  6. Love your photo play! Fun. This brought back memories. There was a place on the Columbia River where we always stopped so the kids could feed seagulls. It wasn't real close to us, but between where we lived and where our parents did (where we were from originally) so we traveled that way pretty often. Back then, nobody thought anything was wrong with feeding the wildlife!


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