

a few more signs

Sadly, the store didn't gather as much interest as their sign.

For those of a certain age.


Waiting in traffic, I noticed this 'US' stamp on a highway sign. Weird.

It's too bad that this one is necessary.

This is how you enjoy the local pool and pay your dues in Taranaki!


  1. ...lots of them I would never see here!

  2. The one that made me laugh was the 5th one about the birds etc/ door closing.

  3. I think I made a typo in that comment - New laptop!! should have been 8th shot

  4. That one you said 'HUH?' made me laugh...I enjoyed all of them.

  5. Very unexpected signs, much more original than the regular ones I see in my place!

  6. Are you saying people relieve themselves on the beach? Doh. I don't know what those pigs or arrow sign are up to, lol. You've got a lot of good ones, I don't think I've ever seen wild cows before although we did run into a herd wading in the water while canoeing down the WI River once.

  7. Lots of fun signs. I must look through my NZ pics to see if I have any of them.


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