

Wednesday around the World

I asked Hubby to go around the block because I thought I saw a cow on a skateboard ;)
Turns out, it was in front of a vet's office.

What's interesting in your world this week?

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  1. I'd go around the block for that too, lol. Not much happening here, there's a rally with students protesting our deadly gun laws and the latest school shooting tomorrow. I might try to make that, but have been holed up sick so anything would be interesting, let alone something that vital.

  2. Hari OM
    Well, it made you look twice, so it earned its feed! YAM xx

  3. Yep -- that would definitely have been a "screech, go back" (or around the block) moment for us too! Too cute. Thanks for making this linkup available .

  4. That is an unusual sight! It looks like a giant child's pull toy.

  5. A cute lamb looking out of place!

  6. A cow on a skateboard is an amazing thing to see!


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