

my weird garden

With the fringe weather from the last couple of cyclones, my garden has been acting strange.
My poor abutilon got broken off at the ground by the wind while it was in full bloom :(

My dahlias are loving the weather for some reason. The ones below finally 
bloomed--I was wondering if they would.

One of the rudbeckias that died off when it was so dry decided to make another appearance.

After a huge flourish a while back, the rose bush has been showing one bloom at a time.

It's kinda weird but I'll take the pretty colors!


  1. ...and my garden i covered with a foot of snow.

  2. Your flowers are terrific. You really have a green thumb.

  3. Yes, we must enjoy what we have ... in my experience, Nature always finds a way. The dahlia is an unbelievable shade!

  4. Beautiful blooms!
    Sorry about the storm damage

  5. Your flowers are absolutely beautiful. Sorry that you had some damage due to the storms.

  6. That’s a nice surprise! I can’t wait for spring to come to Virginia. It has been unusually cold for March here.

  7. You might think it weird, but it sure is gorgeous. The colors on that dahlia is out of this world, and it's shaped a bit different than the ones I usually see. You've had cyclones?!

  8. yes speaking of cyclones NZ has been hit by alot lately, we've had a few hurtling past the BOP but thankfully they haven't been too bad.

  9. Such wonderful bursts of colour! That dahlia is simply gorgeous.

  10. I take flowers whenever I can get them. Lovely blooms.

  11. Pretty flowers! I just love Dahlias, and have ordered quite e few for Spring planting.

  12. Mixed up is OK when you're beautiful!! And your flowers certainly are.

  13. We'll take weird anytime when it results in beautiful flowers like these! Yay, you were the first one! The red one you had in your thumbnail I actually favor the most, but the white ones come immediately after that! Many thanks for linking to All Seasons and have a great week Betty!


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