

between showers

I have to admit that the rain is getting less and less, although I would prefer that it just 
STOP for a week or two! In between the rain showers there has been a bit of
sunshine and the wind has died down enough to get a few images of my garden. 
Hopefully, there will be many more soon!


  1. What a fine series of spring blooms. I enjoyed seeing your colorful photos.

  2. I am always fascinated of your Immages, especially the flowerly ones at the moment - we are in the middle of a golden european autumn and I see your spring - flowers... just great! Happy spring and wishing you a few dry days, Miuh

  3. The rain seems to have made all the colors brighter? They are beautiful!

  4. Danke für die lieben Blumengrüße,
    hab mich sehr darüber gefreut!

    Ganz herzliche Grüße schicke ich dir,
    die Monika*

  5. It looks like the rain there makes your flowers look vibrant! Wow, such beauty! Didn't realize that you have so much rain in the beginning of Spring. Believe me, it's better than drought:)
    Thank you much for sharing spring flowers with All Seasons! Have a beautiful week:)

  6. The colours are definitely eager to burst out for spring!

  7. The flowers in your garden are stunning Betty. That first one is particularly exotic loving, I love i!

  8. Oh yes, so much happiness in your delightful garden! Lovely to see :D)

  9. ...beautiful things to look forward to seeing.

  10. Beautiful colours. I am waiting for them to show up in my garden.

  11. In the US we have a saying...."April showers bring May flowers"....It appears to be the case for you to! "Spring showers, bring summer flowers?"

  12. Thank you for sharing your beautiful blooms. They have brightened my day considerably.
    Have a wonderful Wednesday :)


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