

slice of heaven for sale

The town of Toko was established in the 1890's and was a bustling village at one time (click here for a photo of the railway station opening) before the railway station, saw mill and dairy factory closed.
Nowadays, the population is just over 1,000 and is just a wide spot in the road on the way to somewhere else.

 I imagine that, at one time, it was truly a little slice of heaven with its rolling hills and open skies.

Being on the main road, Benzika's gas petrol station was probably the place where
people stopped for a bit of gossip now and then.

Quo vadis (what is happening?) - Bedlam's News - Toko d'classified

There is still mail pick-up once a day at 10:30am, Monday - Friday.

Toko is located on State Highway 43. the Forgotten World Highway, aptly named, I'd say.


  1. Great pictures, dear Betty ... they really look like a forgotten world ...
    Have a lovely new week,
    Love and hugs, Claudia xo

  2. ...a wide spot on the road to somewhere else, that is true of many places in the US today. And what would a slice of heaven cost? Thanks for sharing this look back to simpler times. I hope to see you again.

  3. it's so sad to see a once busy place just abandoned like this...i enjoyed the post and photos!

  4. If we all go to electric cars, will petrol stations all begin to look like ghost towns? Where will we find bathrooms and soft drinks on the road? Interesting photos looks like the American West.

  5. I love the things you capture with your camera!

  6. seems like the pump is still in order. Great post :)

  7. Forgotten World Highway - This may be a bit ironic. In the American west it was often the building of the highways that made all of the railroad towns dry up and go away. Nice photos.

  8. What a lovely things from past time.

  9. Boom and bust. Having all three things disappear (rail, mill, dairy plant) was a big hit to this town.

  10. Gosh I love this so much Betty. We are on a roadtrip ourselves right now and just came through some Alabama/Louisiana/Texas towns that look like they have stories almost this good. But we did't have time to stop. (We try to stay off the freeways as you might gather).....


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