

random bits of NZ

This is a redoubt tower at Manaia. Click to learn more.

The DOC did a wonderful job making an accessibility ramp up to  Wilkies Pools

'The Vicarage' in New Plymouth, built in 1845.

I took this photo in 2009, but....

it looks rather vintage in  black and white.


  1. An interesting collection of photos. I love zWilkies Pools and the vintage cars.

  2. A very interesting series of photos. I love the cow!
    Have a great week-end!

  3. Excelentes fotos de um país extraordinário!
    Obrigado por partilhar.
    Tenha um bom fim de semana.

  4. Every picture seems better - and more inviting - than the last.
    First time in a very long time - I've felt the urge to pack up and go for an adventure. - Have you driven across that bridge???

    Yikers - that's amazing.

  5. i enjoyed the photos! the llama mailbox is cute and so unique! that is a deeeeeep gorge! that is so cool how just changing the photo really did make it appear vintage! i like the american diner! thank you so much for linking and have a great weekend :)

  6. ...Betty, what a lovely journey that you just took me on. Perhaps we are kindred souls.

  7. Great collections of photos. I found the Route 66 sign a bit odd. Have a great weekend.

  8. What a great series! Reading about the redoubt was very interesting. I giggled at the cow and llama (at least I think it is a llama). Happy Friday!

  9. Oh, my goodness, if a person cannot find something they like in this post, then they must be crazy. I have just thoroughly enjoyed these it when you post a bunch. I do love the one in B& looks like it could have been taken years ago. I love 'The Vicerage!--just totally love it. And love the photo above it, too...oh, I just love them all really.

  10. You've captured the perfect sunburst. I also love the mural and mailboxes. The cow is the best!

  11. I like the tuatara mural. Your black and white image is quite vintage.

  12. What a nice collection of pictures ! I like the cow and the other sculpture ! so funny !

  13. I want a cow mailbox. Love the sculpture too.

  14. Even the cars look like they belong in a photo much older! Did you stumble on a movie being filmed? Wow. Like a step back in time for sure. Very cool, I love this.

  15. The canyon is awesome, the old house is cute and I like the road 66. The post boxes are super.... and all photos are wonderful, thanks for sharing.

  16. Very interesting set 0f photos, if you had said you took a photo of the old vicarage in the UK I would have believed you, same style of building and stone.
    Take care, Gordon.


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