

Buying eggs, Taranaki style

While driving around last weekend, Hubby saw a sign for eggs for sale. 
We stopped and took them off the shelf, put the money in 
the little jar and drove off with our organic eggs. :) I love Taranaki!
Such an old-fashioned way to do business.


  1. Oh how fun! I bet the eggs tasted great! Happy weekend.

  2. What a great way to purchase eggs! That's neat that buying them is done on the honor system. You don't see that much anymore.

  3. This is a fine, and trusting way to sell eggs. I will bet they come from happy chickens and taste wonderful.

  4. The whole economy of the Cambridgeshire Fens used to operate along those lines. An energetic person with a large bicycle basket and a good supply of small change could do a whole week's shopping at unmanned stalls along the backroads.

  5. How fantastic! Thank you for visiting my blog. Have a nice weekend!

  6. Well, how neat is that....the honor system!! That's how we get our drinking water. And this reminds me that I forgot to get my fresh eggs from our daughter today...:'( Thanks so much for sharing.

  7. Betty, this looks a bit like buying eggs from an Amish farm. It's nice to see that the old way still survive. Thanks for your visit, I hope that you will come again.


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