

sunshine and blooms

We are in need of rain for the water tank but the flowers
don't seem to mind. 


  1. Just beautiful, we've had plenty of rain here then back to crazy cold and a bit of snow. Hope you're enjoying your picturesque summer.

  2. Another lovely collection of flowers!

  3. Your photos are a treat for the soul! That blushing delicate rose - wow! I have a bit similar in my garden and it is my favourite.
    Thank you so much for linking at Floral Bliss - wishing you a nice day!

  4. Liebe Betty,
    ich freue mich sehr, dass du wieder mit dabei bist.
    Danke für diesen wunderschönen und farbenfrohen Post !
    Bitte entschuldige, dass ich gestern nicht mehr zum verlinken kam.
    Aus persönlichen Gründen hat mir da die Zeit gefehlt.
    Aber der "DND" ist ja heute noch geöffnet, sodass es sicher nicht all zu schlimm ist ;-)
    ♥liche Grüße

  5. Hi there, you've such a pretty garden. A huge variety of Chrysanthemums too, the more I look, the more I can see so many!
    Well done on just a little water, you've bred a lot of tough and beautiful blooms.
    Thanks for visiting my blog, lovely to meet you Bettyl. Cheerio now :D)

  6. You have a beautiful garden and lucky that flowers don't mind dry weather. With our heat at the moment the plants are shrivelling up.

  7. Hello,
    what amazing photos! Your blossoms are so beautiful, I can feel the sunshine! :-)
    Have a nice weekend,

  8. Your garden is beautiful. I love your roses and well all the flowers!

  9. Here in south Florida many of our flowers start to do better as the weather cools down. It's also starting to dry out so they require irrigation.

  10. We have snow here in Oregon, so I fully enjoyed seeing your flowers! Thanks for the hope of Spring!

  11. You have so many gorgeous rooms in your garden and I'm glad they are not being affected by lack of rain. Have a wonderful weekend.

  12. Beautiful flowers. A treat to see them and I'm glad that there are abundant blooms despite the lack of water.

  13. Yes, we need more rain. The grass is looking a bit brown.

  14. Wow I guess they don't seem to mind! Would never guess you were in a drought -- these blooms are full and lush and beautiful. I hope you get the rain you need.


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