

Boris and WATW

This is Boris (who is most likely Doris) another long-fin eel who lives in the lake at Pukekura Park.
I don't know how old she is but she's been well fed for a long time!
You can click here for more info on NZ eels.

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  1. Oh dear, I got to admit I do not really like eels. Snakes is one thing I am trying to get to terms with, but the thought of a 'water snake' or eel in the water while I am surfing... don't like it. The photos are great though! :)

  2. Oh dear, I got to admit I do not really like eels. Snakes is one thing I am trying to get to terms with, but the thought of a 'water snake' or eel in the water while I am surfing... don't like it. The photos are great though! :)

  3. first time I have seen an eel in a shot like this. A great one :)

  4. Betty y ou are so brave to go in the water to photograph Boris. I would have had a proper heart attack if that thing was anywhere near me.

  5. To be true, I do not like eels, but this on, having a name ;-), is rather sympathic.

  6. Eels kind of give me the creeps, but maybe that comes from movies. Maybe the are misrepresented creatures.

  7. This eel has been fed before and is obviously looking for a handout, How nice that he or she posed for a portrait.

  8. Boris/Doris is really cool looking.

  9. oooh she's a nice big size :-)

  10. You're good at that underwater photography! I wish I could be that good with our manatees in Florida.

  11. Heisann.... might join you next week...... ;:OD)

  12. We used to feed the eels at our nearby park but the council took out the boardwalk and put in fencing making it difficult to continue.


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