

Mt Taranaki and WATW

 It was windy but still beautiful last weekend.

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  1. That mountain shining in the sunlight is just beautiful making for a terrific photograph.

  2. That is a beautiful mountain! Reminds me of the Cascade mountains here in the Pacific NW.

  3. Impressively beautiful scene.

  4. Una fotografía maravillosa. Me gustará poder subir a esa montaña.

  5. Wow. This shot is fantastic. I showed to my hubby and he thought it was Mt. Fuji :)

  6. beautiful. Does this mountain have snow on it all the time - or are you still in an extended winter like we are?

  7. Stunning !!!! Very gorgeous this photo !!!!
    Have a great day !!!
    A meow of Bilbo

  8. Such a pretty szenery. This mountain with the white top an the green fields - very beautiful. Greetings from Marion

  9. New Zealand has some of the finest scenery, and by far the best place-names, in the world. Rather inconveniently situated though for those of us who live in England.

  10. Such a gorgeous mountain ... the deep blue rock, against the bright sky and white clouds!
    Nature is wonderful, and so amazing.

  11. Gorgeous view of snowy mountain top!

  12. My world is good, pretty much -- it is nice to be with family and we enjoy being downtown -- but OH MY GOSH, my world certainly does not have stunning views like yours does. That is the most beautiful mountain picture. Thank you for posting it! (I needed the bright spot right now as I am kind of sick because we just watched the pres. debate and ... well, I'll just say if the polls are wrong and Trump wins I am going to envy you for more than your views. You are so lucky right now to have gotten out of here when you did! It's ugly.

  13. An absolutely stunning photo!


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