

A busy garden

In between the bouts of rain over the last few days, I have managed to 
capture these lovelies.

English goldfinches were brought over and some inevitably escaped. There
is a huge flock of them that hang around the paddocks  surrounding the house.



This might be a female blackbird.


  1. Lovely captures you got there! It looks like rainbows are common sights in NZ. There were double rainbows at the east when we were in the bus from Rotorua back to Auckland. I tried so hard capturing it but of course not good because of the running bus and the glass windows. Oh how i wish i am in a private car and we can stop!

  2. Love all the bird imaes but that rainbow shot is just perfect.

  3. i hope my comment 'took' but i'm not sure. loved these all the way through! thank you!

  4. The birds know a good place when the see one. The rainbow is perfect, very impressive!

  5. A british eyes, but, it's not. I love them.

  6. That is a gorgeous rainbow shot.

    Regarding GIMP - I have tired it on and off over the years. I would like to learn more of its capabilities but for now I use it for the fun filter effects. Some of the filters I use in the G'MIC plug in can be found in the regular GIMP program but G'MIC gives you more filters and even the ones that look like repeat filters have many parameters to play with so you can adjust sizes, the center, the edges, etc...

    And both GIMP and G'MIC are free. I want to do one of those shots where it looks like boxes and furniture are flying in the air especially since I have boxes of stuff and some furniture in disarray here.

  7. Oh wow, I so envy your skills and capture of the bird close ups!! Wonderful!

  8. I'd like to have some of those little goldfinches around, they are delightful birds. Plenty of blackbirds here but I've never been able to capture them, let alone catch one with a worm.

  9. Beautiful close ups of the birds & the rainbow is glorious! Spring in NZ is so green!

  10. Fantastic shots of the birds! you can tell its spring as the grass is so green! I loved the rainbow too!

  11. Wow, the birds and the rainbow - what a great collection. These shots are great. The first bird is really beautiful, and the blackbird with the worm - wow.

  12. Lovely to see your birds,the starlings seem to be having a conversation...
    Fabulous landscape with rainbow!

  13. Gorgeous gardens! I love that rainbow, too. Thanks for sharing...and here's MY SATURDAY SNAPSHOT POST

  14. Lovely photos. I'm especially impressed by your pictures of birds. Very nice.

  15. We have all these introduced birds in Australia. I like seeing the goldfinches about, although they are more an occasional visitor where I live. Lovely photo of him though.

  16. Love the birds, "'shrooms", and the double rainbow. Each photo is stunning!

  17. a magnificent rainbow, what a beautiful sight!!!

  18. oh how pretty, you got some good shots there

  19. I bet our UK birds are having a great time over there with you. How nice tohave an entire flock of goldfinches.

  20. Hello!:) What a glorious rainbow, and your photo is so beautiful. Loved seeing all your garden visiters, and wish I could see the goldfinch in my garden. Lovely shots of all the birds.:)

  21. Your photos are always SO gorgeous! I especially like the first one, of the Goldfinch - such vibrant color and close-up detail.

    Thanks for sharing a glimpse of NZ!


    Book By Book

  22. i did not say in my first comment but the capture of the english goldfinch is stunning. beautiful clarity!!

  23. Such a wonderful rainbow you've captured! And the goldfinch is so fine ~ I hope to see one someday!

  24. A nice post!
    The photo of the rainbow is so beautiful!
    Have a good start in the next week.
    Many greetings Andrea

  25. I look at your photos and find it so interesting that you have exactly the same birds in your garden as I have in mine here in Stockholm!

  26. How many birds gorgeous !!!!
    I enjoyed the bird the first picture is very beautiful !!!!
    A meow of Bilbo

  27. What a pretty bird in your first shot, never seen one of those before. I like the colors on the starlings by the fence. I've never gotten a good photo of one here. - Love, Love, Love your rainbow shot.


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