

Wednesday around the World

Seeing post boxes like this beside the road makes me smile, knowing I live in a country where there is little vandalism of them. I guess these people check their mail on their way to a day on the water!

So, what is going on in your world? 
Link up your post below and share it with the rest of us,


  1. Beautiful picture.

    Thank you for visit my blog.

  2. These little finds always make me giggle too. Gotta love New Zealand.

  3. What a beautiful spot, and a little strange to see that mailbox there. In my neighborhood all the mail is in group boxes like that.

  4. Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. This leaded me to your wonderful blog and all those great pictures of New Zealand. My son's a "Hobbit"-fan and his greatest wish is to visit once New Zealand, where a lot of scenes of the films have been shot. Who knows if his wish would come true. Meanwhile I'll show him your pictures :-).
    Greetings from Luxemburg, Europe.

  5. I've almost forgotten what mail is. i get so little. That's great that there is a shortage of vandalism.

  6. Your corner of the world seems to be truly beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Great idea, I will try to link up a post from my part of the world next wednesday.

  8. I love post boxes... and they're right by the water, too --doubly perfect!


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