

Unexpected visitor

As we talked in the lounge, Hubby suddenly said, 'There's a pheasant!' We quietly watched and photographed him as he wandered around in my flower garden and all around the house! I had occasionally seen him (I assume it was him, anyway) as we drove down the road but never expected him to show up so close to the house. He seemed to have found lots of bugs and stuff to eat, so maybe he'll be back some time. 


  1. come to say hallo! P.

  2. We used to get a wild pheasant that would visit our backyard. My hubby and I called him "Fred."

  3. Yes, he's a him. Females don't have the colourful head. If he's found plenty to eat he'll be back, as long as he doesn't have an unfortunate encounter with a car or a shotgun.

  4. a lovely bird to see at close Quarters Betty. Have a wonderful weekend.

  5. Ein schöner Besucher.


  6. Awww, what lovely photos! I love pheasants, the males are so colourful! - Tasha

  7. You are very lucky to have him visit so close. They are quite beautiful with their stunning markings.

  8. What a beautiful surprise visitor.

  9. Nice catch - looks similar to those we have

  10. That is really nice as an animal to get in front of the camera, at least here in Germany, here with us pheasants are the last years reintroduce and now is mating season and you can hear your loud cries over many meters ...
    greetings Frank

  11. Wow, that pheasant must have made your day! It's such a beautiful bird! Thank you so much for being a part of Seasons! Forgot that you were an American, so you knew about these time changes, haha! We are dealing with it all the time now our son studies in Europe.
    Have a great week!

  12. what an extraordinaray visitor. So lucky you got some nice pictures.
    have a nice day.

  13. He's gorgeous -- pretty sure it is a male, because I think the female is plainer brown , at least the pheasants we had in Oregon.

  14. Just coming back to say many thanks for being a part of Seasons this week:) Hope to see you soon!

  15. what a lovely visitor! i would be so excited if i saw one in my garden!

  16. He's gorgeous. That last shot of him is perfect. I would love to have one visit my garden too.


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