

signs and WATW

I never think much about the habits of other countries until I find signs like this on the door of the toilet stalls. Another place informed visitors that our sewer system was indeed, capable of receiving soiled paper. The things you learn.

Every gas petrol station should be a post office, too!

Autumn is rearing its head today but it's not cold, so I'm happy!
How's your world? Show us in a post and link up below!


  1. That toilet sign is funny! But obviously necessary.

  2. Hi Betty, I came to your story how you and your hubby & your new family met - how romantic! Hope you will have a nice Fall! Are the trees truning color yet ...or?

    Hope you still can make it to SEASONS today before the link closes at 7pm, Pacific time:) Hope to see you there and if not nest week!

  3. That sign.... it totally reminds me of my travels in Europe. Great capture.

    Lisa @ LTTL

  4. I love that sign and saw it first at one of the universities in Auckland.

  5. A good reminder their - the sign at the toilet stall.

  6. Very interesting. I will come back later and link up :)

  7. I didn't know you had a linky party on Wednesday!! Next week I'll link up my garden posts!

  8. We had beautiful spring like weather today. That toilet sign is almost confusing!

  9. My timing is always off with this linkup! But, better late than never.

  10. Too funny Betty! I saw a sign just like that when we were in Alaska in the toilet at one of the railroad stations. I took a picture of it, but never blogged it because I thought nobody would understand and/or believe it! Maybe because Alaska gets tourists from all over? Or what?

  11. Oh, my! I would not do well in some of those countries, lol!


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