

animals along the way

After we saw the Moeraki Boulders, we headed south. Since we wanted to see the countryside while we were there, Hubby turned down 'Coast Road' to see what there was to see. We saw a sign that said 'Shag Point', looked at each other, and then turned down the road. I had visions of lots of photos of shags on the rocks along the ocean. The bad news is that there were no shags. The good news is that there was a seal colony!

We saw quite a few deer farms in the South Island.

Wild keas seemed quite friendly in a parking lot--as long as they didn't think you were something to eat. They beg for food and, of course, feeding them is discouraged, but sometimes, you just can't help yourself :) and they follow you to your car.

As we waited to enter the Homer Tunnel (pictures to come) we saw one cheeky fella hopping from car to car--on the driver's side, of course--looking for food. Unfortunately, my camera batteries were flat.

As we waited by the water for our train, a male paradise duck took a drink of rainwater left in a hole.

This horse looked so happy from the train from Picton to Christchurch.

And, there were always sheep watching your every move!


  1. Seeing the seals is really cool. Great collection of shots. My favorite is the duck.

  2. As always your photos are beautiful.

  3. Wow, what a wonderful collection of photos. The bird on the car is cute! Great post. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  4. A gorgeous collection! Really amazing!

  5. A wonderful selection of photos from your trip! Lots to smile about!

  6. Thank you for linking up with Seasons! Wish I ever could have come so close to a sea lion as you did (in So.California the rocks they were sitting on was too far away). The sheep make me smile - they're standing there so proudly. Have a great weeek:)

  7. so lovely. I like the keas so much - they are so bold - but very intelligent - i love them.

  8. Incredible photos! It is what I have come to expect when I have seen shots of New Zealand. The beauty of it is breathtaking and all those animal and bird photos are a joy to see. Thank you for sharing them Betty.

  9. Fabulous pictures! I enjoyed every one of them, especially the ones of the seals.

  10. It's funny that even though we are so far away, our Oregon coast looks so much like this!

  11. Loving that shot of the sheep - they really do look as if they're watching your every move :) #LTTL

  12. What a great post... I have never seen those birds before, they are super interesting. I really love the coastal wildlife you often capture.

    Lias @ LTTL


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