

Putangirua Pinnacles

It was way too hot and the 'easy' trail wasn't for me, so we abandoned our trip through the streambed to see them from below and opted, the next day, to see the Pinnacles from above.

Soaring like skyscrapers, the pillars are made of old alluvial gravels (conglomerate). The pillars formed as heavy rain washed away softer rock, leaving more resistant rock behind. 

In time individual earth pillars (hoodoos) developed, protected by a boulder or hard ,surface on top. Some are thought to be over 1,000 years old. 

They are eroding by about 1 centimetre per year.

Lord of the Rings fans might recognize these rock formations although our photos are taken from above. 

Click here for the Maori account of the original sandstone wall.


  1. Wow! Great rock formations and awesome photography!

    Happy week to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  2. Very impressive!
    Great pictures, thanks for sharing!
    Have a wonderful time... Spring looks so great at your place.

  3. That is impressive geography. Lovely photos.

  4. so very very cool - I love nz scenery...

  5. I am not a LOTR fan, but The Other Half is, and oddly even though I have never seen the movies I do recognise those formations. This must have been from dropping into his room while he was watching the movies. :)

  6. Wow! Thanks for sharing. The boyfriend and I have been discussing of going to New Zealand, this should be on the list of sites to visit.

  7. So amazing! These would make great wall art! Thank you for sharing your beautiful outdoor post on The Maple Hill Hop!

  8. Beautiful photography! I hope to make it to New Zealand one day. Thanks for sharing.

  9. It looks way too hot for me to trek too, but thank you for the images you took along the trail. Happy travels.

  10. This is a really lovely spot. Is this the Pinnacles that is near Coromandel Peninsula? One of my girls has been there, the other really wants to go this summer.

  11. These are amazing to see. I am so sorry they are wearing down..... Happy weekend... Michelle


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