

wild birds

The black-backed gulls looked like they were half buried in the sand but were just resting. The terns were quite photogenic. These were taken at Opunake Beach.


These kereru, or wood pigeons, are usually loners, but they are not immune to spring's call.


  1. First time I see these birds! Fascinating that you can find them while walking around the beach. I like to spot seagulls and other birds while taking a stroll at the nearby beaches.

  2. you have both gulls an terns on the beach. :) Your doves gives a little color to the bare tree :)

  3. Love the bird shots! I've always wanted to go to NZ.

  4. Look how fat she is! Full of eggs I suppose, you need a lot of resources to lay, sit on eggs and bring up chicks.

  5. Lovely shots, the Doves look so pretty sat there in the tree. I love spotting Gulls at the beach, but they're always too quick, usually, for me to get a decent photo! - Tasha

  6. Look at those pudgy pigeons! Love it

  7. Greate photos from the seagulls!
    I like it!
    xxx Britta

  8. Looks like spring is coming with the buds on that tree.....

  9. Love the Terns and Gull shots on the beach Betty. Have a great weekend.

  10. I love to look at the birdies - I don't so much like them in person. Perhaps I have been scarred by the Hitchcock movie ;-)

    Thank you for joining us for Photo Friday again this week!

  11. You are right, Betty. Those Terns are photogenic!!!...:)JP

  12. Love the "half buried" gulls and the pigeons up in the tree. Are they different from wood pigeons, or is it just a different name for the same bird?

  13. LOL, your post brought back great memories. As a child growing up in the Philadelphia suburbs my parents won a trip to Florida. My dad came back with hundreds of photos of gulls. I remember my mom saying as she lay soaking up the sun he was running about like a madman taking pictures of the birds. I take after my dad :-)

    Thanks for sharing and for stopping by to check out my pics of Manasota Key.

    From OffTheSidewalk in Tampa, Carlyn


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