

since 1846

This is St. Mary's Catholic Church in New Plymouth. It was built in 1846. 

With all the earthquakes in the southern part of the country, all public buildings are being assessed as to their safety. Sadly, this grand church is not considered 'earthquake proof', even though few quakes ever reach this part of the North Island, so it will quite possibly be closed to the public in the near future. We had visited once for photos but I wanted to go again--just in case. I will post more photos later.


  1. What a beautiful old church Betty, I certainly hope it wont be demolished, but it would be a shame for it not to be used. I hope the powers that be have given it proper consideration.

  2. Oh no it's such a shame that it isn't earthquake proof - it's hard to have to say goodbye to these historic buildings in the face of looking after the area, even if the events are rare, I definitely feel for these places. What beautiful architecture too! - Tasha

  3. Oh Betty the church looks lovely. I do nothing happens to it.

  4. What a beautiful church! I love churches almost as much as I love cemeteries. There is always something interesting about them to photograph. I'm sorry that this one may have to close after so many years of service.

    thank you for joining us for Photo Friday again this week!

  5. What a shame - looks a lovely church. I'm pretty sure that if we had to similarly assess the churches in the UK, most of them - and a good proportion of our houses, come to think of it - wouldn't make it through!

  6. That would be a loss to New Zealand if it were closed. It almost seems a bit extreme for this country.

  7. What a beautiful church! It would be sad that the church might be closed. Great shot, enjoy your weekend!

  8. Beautiful church! I hope it won't be closed. Maybe there are things that can be done to make it withstand earthquakes.

  9. I love historical buildings and this one has a rich history.

    Pity they close it but it will still be a beautiful sight from outside. :)

  10. Like everyone who has commented above me, I agree the church is beautiful and would be shame to be shut down. #PhotoFriday

  11. Too bad this little treasure would not be available for the public to enjoy. Is there a way the community or a non-profit organization can unite to conserve the building? Will the laws allow something like that?


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