

Patea on a windy day

We've had some horrific winds for the last few weeks and they certainly have affected the water in the Tasman Sea. 

The first two photos were taken from the lookout  at the Patea River while black sand pelted Hubby and me. The wind blew the camera so much I had to straighten almost all the photos but the view was still incredible.

When we went down to the coastline, the sand was blowing everywhere.

The remains of a pier seemed to be in another world with low tide.

Wednesday Waters              Photo Story Friday


  1. Looks like a very strong wind creating large waves. Glad I'm not out in a sailboat in that sea. Careful you don't get the lens of your camera sand blasted.

  2. Hello,
    great to see such a wild sea, Nature pur ... The black sand was determined not so nice .. :-)
    greetings Frank

  3. Wow, you really are having some big winds on your side of the country. Not quick so bad here.

  4. I like that last photo of the stranded piers.

  5. The winds appear to be ferocious!

  6. It is beautiful Betty, but wow! Be careful out there.

  7. A truly stunning images, which is transmitted to the wind force. The waves are huge, I love them. This would be nice to experience once, but quite dangerous it can be. Good that the camera stayed in your hands.

  8. Fantastic scenes capturing the atmosphere beautifully. I have so many special memories of my trip to New Zealand.
    Waving from Bonnie Scotland ;)

  9. Wow, that first photo is incredible, you can see the power in the waves and almost feel the wind! #checkoutthatview

  10. The heavy winds look very dramatic - the power of nature..!

  11. Wow. Those seas do look disgruntled. I know the feeling of battling sea winds and trying to take a sharp photo. Quite a challenge of strength and patience.

  12. These are so amazing views !!!

  13. That's dedication to photography right there - facing that weather to capture these shots. Awesome. Thanks for linking up to #CheckOutThatView and sorry it took me a while to get around to commenting. x


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