

Wednesday around the World

My world is wet and cold this week, so I found this shot from the archives to cheer myself up!

Now it's time for you to show us your world this week.
Blog a photo and link up below.


  1. Hari OM's "summer" here. ... and wet and cold!!! I loved your piccie for the same reasons you did &*> YAM xx

  2. Tried several times to do the link thing but just kept getting error message

  3. Sorry, John, it worked for me earlier today but I had the same trouble with other link ups this week. Please try again later.

  4. Makes me want to go to beach! Been there last 2 weeks ago and I can't get enough of it :) Love, love love!

  5. Nice one betty! gotta love NZ beaches :-)

  6. That beach looks much more inviting than what is out the window.

  7. Here's to dreaming of warmer days... Beautiful!

  8. Our weather can't decide what it is doing. One day it is rainy the next sunny or even better, wake up the drizzle and clouds only for it to be sunny and then cloudy and rainy again in the evening. Our weather isn't cold up here though with short and shirt still being my uniform. Hopefully your weather clears for some nice end of Autumn days.


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