

New Plymouth city center

New Plymouth is the largest town in the district of Taranaki. Usually, when we take a trip there, we just do what we went for and that's about it--well, maybe a side trip to KFC or Burger King while we're out. Anyway, the last trip we made ended in a walk around center city (downtown, for my Yankee friends).

Every town has a clock tower and New Plymouth is no different.

As we walked by, we looked inside hoping to be able to climb to the top, but it wasn't open. As we looked up through the windows, Hubby brought this stuffed owl to my attention. It's job is to keep the birds away.

There were some gorgeous artwork around the town. This ship was captured inside a receiving dock.

The lovely and tall tui below was quite an artsy piece.

And, this detailed elephant looked over us as we walked past.


  1. an interesting clock tower for sure :)

  2. Hari OM
    LOVING that elephant mural - not that others are shabby, but that is superb!!! Those mock-owls are landing lots of places here too; the local ferry and pier have three of them. Think the gulls just laugh them off! YAM xx

  3. Nice Series - im experience those owls don't work

  4. What fun to take a walk about town with you!

  5. I really like that clock tower! So colorful!

  6. Does the stuffed owl actually work I wonder? I really like the tui artwork on the building :-)

  7. Nice shots. A friend of mine from school days lives in New Plymouth. Small world!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  8. Fantastic street art. I think your Yankee friends are cringing at the idea of eating at KFC or BK. :)

  9. That's fun, taking a closer look at a place you take for granted. And it looks like a nice little town.. I enjoy outdoor art!

  10. Wow those last two murals are fantastic. The owl looks quite real from that distance.

  11. What amazingly, beautiful works of art!


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