

kai iwi beach

Much of the Taranaki coast is made of mudstone and shale and, as the sign indicates, are always changing. But that doesn't take away from the amazement I feel when I see them.

I like seeing the colors of the layers...

...the black lava sand mingled with the white sand...

...and the fossilized stuff that makes little sense to me unless I attribute it to an awesome God with a great sense of humor! 

Occasionally, there are artists at work with the driftwood...

and I am quite intrigued by the spidery veins that the water makes as it tries to run to the ocean.

These sights are wonderful things I'd never have seen if I hadn't moved to New Zealand and, even after almost 9 years, I still love to see.


  1. What an amazing coast. I love those black lava flows: they look a bit like someone's been through spreading tar. All the best, Bonny

  2. Wonerful coastline and we also are fortunate that you are there to show us these amazing things that God has created.

  3. I can see why you enjoy this place. It's magical!

  4. Beautiful photos. I love the way water leaves veins here as it goes back to the sea. The rocks seem a bit different than the cliffs we have in Auckland.

  5. It's interesting that there are all the rocks and then the soft sand

  6. Those cliffs and beach presented fine photographic opportunities which I see you took full advantage. Love the drift wood hut photo.

  7. The Creator certainly took time to make these spectacular spot with the dark sand and white stones....and how the water makes a picture in the sand.

  8. That spidery tree pattern in the sand is absolutely awesome. It would be perfect hanging on my wall.

  9. a place in my taste. I could spend much time here exploring :)

  10. I can see why you love it..the scenery is beautiful. I thought of my late Mother looking at the driftwood. She like to hunt for it in the woods and sand and oil treat it.. I have not thought of that in a long time...Michelle

  11. It's surprising how many different colours there are in amongst the cliffs and the rocks too. #CheckOutThatView

  12. Beautiful photos of the rugged coastline and love the sand art ~ check out my Signature Sand Art photos on a page on my blog ~ looks very similar ~

    Happy Week to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  13. What a beautiful coastline. Those branches remind me of dinasour bones for some reason!! #checkoutthatview


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